Margaret Brennan (nee Wesling - Aunty Peggy) , wife of John (Uncle Jack) Brennan, mother of Barbara, Margaret (Missey), Timothy, Patricia, Michael, John (Jack), Martin, Mary, Anne, and Matthew.
Matthew Brennan - son of Jack and Peggy Brennan, husband of Lucy Brennan (nee Pigue).
Following lot description is courtesy of email from Cousin Missey:
The Maher/Wesling/Brennan lot will eventually include a marker with the last names of all who rest there. I was also surprised when the Calvary official told me that there was room for an additional 6 caskets and 17 cremated urns for descendants of John Maher, mother’s maternal grandfather. I also learned that after so many years, and for burials that were in wooden caskets, the remains have “returned to the earth”. Therefore, these graves can be reopened. The same earth is then returned, so it is not considered to be a desecration. Such a circle of life it is, isn’t it?
The plot is located in Section 20, Lot 1048 and there are have been 10 family interred there. They are mom, ( Margaret Mary Wesling Brennan), along with my brother (Matthew James Brennan), her parents (John J. Wesling and Margaret Frances Maher Wesling), her unnamed brother (Baby Wesling) her mother’s brother & sister , (John A. Maher & Catherine [Kate] Maher), her grandfather (John Maher), and her great grandmother (Mary Maher). There is also a Josephine Maher buried there in 1921, who I believe is an aunt. For the record, John Joseph Bertram Brennan and Timothy Patrick Aloysius Brennan are interred at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery.
Currently there is no grave marker at the Maher, Wesling, Brennan lot. Until one is placed, it can be located by finding the Murphy-Reilly monument (lot 1339). Maher, Wesling Brennan lot 1048 is directly behind this lot. There are several smaller grave markers for the Beatty family (lot 1033). Lot 1048 is immediately to the right of the Beatty family. This portion of section 20 is adjacent to West Florissant Avenue at Alcott Ave. Look for the street signs on the light-post. It is a short walk from this location on West Florissant to Grandma and Grandpa's old house on Davison Ave.