Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Prayers, Please

This is a message from Annie:

I just wanted to let all you guys know what's going on with Doug. He had a mole biopsied a while ago and it came back as malignant melanoma skin cancer. It is on his leg and it is coming off in surgery at St. Johns this Thursday. We are being positive and hopeful that we caught it in time and there will be good news to follow. I just wanted to ask you all to have Doug in your thoughts and prayers this Thursday.

He's having a plastic surgeon do the removal of the area where the mole is. It's on the side of his left leg just above his knee. It's a tight area and the surgeon felt that a plastic surgeon would be a good idea. The plastic surgeons name is John Pollock-he looks like he's 12, but he reminds me of my brother Marty so it's okay. They are also doing a biopsy of the "centinel lymph node", which will be done by Dr. Altapeter. (Some of you work in the medical field so I included the names of the docs).

We saw Dr. Steven Allen today, he's an oncologist, and we feel very relieved by his feeling that he thinks Doug will be fine, that we caught this in time.

So, please say a prayer, have a good thought, for Mr. Doug!!

Love, Anne

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