Friday, February 4, 2011

Brian J Brennan Sr. Health Update

Greetings to all,
I want to Thank You for all of the thoughts and prayers bestowed upon me. By the grace of God and the help of doctors, family and friends I am Cancer Free and healthy today. I am back to work fulltime, currently working mainly from home due to the cold weather. The only side effect I still have is a slight nueropothy, tingling in my hands and feet and I'm a freezy cat now. This should be a temporary condition. I'll update again after my set of DR.'s appointments.

Love to All,
Brian :-)


  1. Great news Brian! Have you tried any darts yet?

  2. Hey Dan,
    Yes, I'm playing in an In-House League at Gettemeiers Bar & Grill on Wednesday nights with Bonnie. We are on seperate teams so watch out when our teams play against each other. I'm not back up to speed with my accuracy but I can get by (if you can believe it). It's a lot fun and gets me out of the house.
